Our Founders.

Priority One was founded by Sam and Joyce Johnson. Sam has over 50 years of experience with Bible Schools and leadership development organizations around the world.



Our involvement with ministry training began in 1966 as we assisted with the founding of the Bible School in Ronda, Spain. The school began with four students from only a handful of churches. We had no idea at the time it was the embryonic beginnings for the concept of Priority One.

Those humble beginnings took us to Portugal in 1974, where we began to build Mount Hope Bible School located on 30 acres outside the capital city of Lisbon. Over the next ten years we poured our lives and resources into the campus that now facilitates 300 students, and a conference center for more than 1000.

Because we saw first hand the results of trained leaders, who today are all over the world sharing Christ, we further dedicated ourselves to helping build Bible Schools wherever there was a need in the world.

Jesus said the church's first priority is to go into all the world and make disciples. At Priority One, we are passionate about investing in the lives of future leaders.

In 2001 we named the ministry Priority One to go along with our passion. We invited others others to join us and they responded. Because of these dedicated partners we have been able to assist in building Ministry Training Centers in over 50 countries, some from the ground up, and others by building a dormitory, classroom, library, or chapel-whatever the need was.

We are extremely grateful to every pastor and individual who has partnered with us throughout the years. Thank you in advance as we continue together to invest in Christian leadership development through the building of Ministry Training Centers around the world.

Sam and Joyce Johnson
Founders and Executive Directors

The Team